Sunday, April 22, 2007


tofu and alcohol don't mix

a small vignette of a character by darkreaver on the DMC thread

Thursday, April 19, 2007


a last farewell before leaving with the fleet for battle ...
imperial soldier ( unit22 )

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Friday, April 6, 2007


Chi town , studebaker , swordfish , blue
bathtub , policeman , chorizo , rooftop , tea
bears , dice , powertools
batman , god , sandals , no utility belt
infamous , riveted , smoking , lava , moon

dendrochronology, gnathodynamometer, leprosarium, mime-clamp, headcrab
female , torch , allstar boots , mini skirt , angry

goal , you , fan , mouse , caffe

refridgerator , from the future , dinosaur , biomechanical hand , saliva

some recent EP forum drawings .. the Draw My Description thread is where you construct an image based on the previous entrants 5 word description . You have 24 hours to complete the illustration


so i gave a sketch of the space bikers to Aeronik at eatpoo for the DMC thread
- superb !